
VYSUALIZE was designed for promoting films, whether they be focused on a single film or intended as a show reel of various projects.

The theme was planned from the very beginning to utilize built-in features of WordPress, making it extremely easy to use as there are few custom integrated features to confuse you. If you’ve ever used WordPress before, you’ll be able to easily hit the ground running.

These days, all you see are multipurpose themes that do everything, but not well. What’s missing is the emotion and concise design that only comes from building a theme with a single purpose.


“Like a film noir siren VYSUALIZE is beautiful, sexy, and fascinatingly mean — a nasty but estimable piece of work.”

John Doe, Popular Magazine

“The acting was good. I also liked the music. But it could have had one or two more car chases if you ask me.”

Hank, First Out The Door Magazine

“Really neat. I had a jolly good time watching this. Got anymore of that chocolate popcorn?”

Charles, Boring Bloggers

“If I were to say anything bad about this film, it would be a total lie. That’s because it doesn’t actually exist.”

Sum Gui, Popular Newspaper