
Endless Possibilities

From a product landing page to a wedding announcement site, MISC is robust enough
to function in many different ways using built-in WordPress features.

One Page. Unlimited Control.

Using the WordPress menu system, you can control the content you want to display. Everything is loaded on one page, so clicking a menu item will show you that content INSTANTLY.


WordPress Theme Customizer

Finally, you can say goodbye to the old-school admin panels of yesterday. The WordPress “theme customizer” lets you make color/style changes with a LIVE preview of your edits.

AJAX Pagination Made Easy

Using the built-in “Next Page” WordPress feature, you can break up your content into multiple sections. Content is loaded via AJAX, which maintains the one-page experience of MISC.


Fully Responsive Design

Responsive layouts make viewing content on mobile devices super easy. From the ground up, MISC was designed and developed to make sure it looks great on every device, large or small.

Font Awesome Icon Fonts

Over 300 Font Awesome Icon Fonts come pre-installed with MISC. Icon fonts look gorgeous on high-resolution displays and even load as much as 14% faster than traditional images.

View All Icons


Built-in Shortcodes

MISC comes packed with shortcodes, which enable special kinds of features (e.g. toggles, buttons, columns, etc.) that users can attach to pages by adding a simple line of text into the page content.

View Shortcodes

But Wait, There’s More!

Translation Ready

MISC comes with a .POT language file and the proper code markup necessary to translate the theme into any language you need.

Retina Ready

MISC delivers a highly detailed experience for users with super high resolution devices or displays found in most Apple products.

Widget Ready

Take advantage of a WordPress favorite. The footer area of MISC supports widgets, which provide all kinds of content possibilities.

Advanced jQuery

MISC has loads of custom jQuery animations and effects sure to impress the most experienced users on the net.

Video Walk-Through

I’ll go through each feature of the theme with you in a video screencast so that you know how everything works and where to look for help.

Free Support

Not sure where to start? Have an issue that needs troubleshooting? Fear not! Help is right around the corner on the Support Forums

  Video Gallery

You can easily create a video gallery by using built-in shortcodes
for your Vimeo, YouTube, Viddler and Dailymotion videos.

  View Shortcode

[vimeo id="41623404"]

Life Is What Happens While You Are Busy Making Other Plans

This area utilizes the post excerpt field on the WordPress post edit screen. This section is separate from the rest of the content, so you can write a nice little intro here or a brief summary of the article. It’s handy for users who want the main points of the story in a nutshell.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus tellus, auctor eget vestibulum consectetur, euismod et nisi. Suspendisse malesuada pellentesque justo, at molestie dui convallis in. Fusce sollicitudin est ut arcu auctor posuere. In ut urna vel velit condimentum placerat. Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

In ornare mauris et leo hendrerit sit amet condimentum est fermentum. Proin venenatis convallis ultricies. Quisque eu venenatis lorem. Duis tempor lacus ac elit posuere auctor. Sed quis ornare neque. Proin elementum tortor sed ante fringilla euismod. Morbi ut turpis nunc, sit amet vulputate urna. Nullam id ipsum nec eros pulvinar commodo eget et sapien. Ut vulputate nulla nec massa vestibulum in varius libero rhoncus.

Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

  Posted by The Molitor on April 6, 2013

A Man Who Dares to Waste One Hour of Time Has Not Discovered the Value of Life

This area utilizes the post excerpt field on the WordPress post edit screen. This section is separate from the rest of the content, so you can write a nice little intro here or a brief summary of the article. It’s handy for users who want the main points of the story in a nutshell.

  Show More

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus tellus, auctor eget vestibulum consectetur, euismod et nisi. Suspendisse malesuada pellentesque justo, at molestie dui convallis in. Fusce sollicitudin est ut arcu auctor posuere. In ut urna vel velit condimentum placerat. Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

In ornare mauris et leo hendrerit sit amet condimentum est fermentum. Proin venenatis convallis ultricies. Quisque eu venenatis lorem. Duis tempor lacus ac elit posuere auctor. Sed quis ornare neque. Proin elementum tortor sed ante fringilla euismod. Morbi ut turpis nunc, sit amet vulputate urna. Nullam id ipsum nec eros pulvinar commodo eget et sapien. Ut vulputate nulla nec massa vestibulum in varius libero rhoncus.

Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

  Posted by The Molitor on April 6, 2013

I Can Sum Up Everything I’ve Learned About Life In Three Words: It Goes On

This area utilizes the post excerpt field on the WordPress post edit screen. This section is separate from the rest of the content, so you can write a nice little intro here or a brief summary of the article. It’s handy for users who want the main points of the story in a nutshell.

  Show More

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus tellus, auctor eget vestibulum consectetur, euismod et nisi. Suspendisse malesuada pellentesque justo, at molestie dui convallis in. Fusce sollicitudin est ut arcu auctor posuere. In ut urna vel velit condimentum placerat. Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

In ornare mauris et leo hendrerit sit amet condimentum est fermentum. Proin venenatis convallis ultricies. Quisque eu venenatis lorem. Duis tempor lacus ac elit posuere auctor. Sed quis ornare neque. Proin elementum tortor sed ante fringilla euismod. Morbi ut turpis nunc, sit amet vulputate urna. Nullam id ipsum nec eros pulvinar commodo eget et sapien. Ut vulputate nulla nec massa vestibulum in varius libero rhoncus.

Proin tortor dolor, porta pharetra blandit non, dictum at risus. Suspendisse at cursus dolor. Etiam nec tincidunt erat. Etiam volutpat feugiat massa non pretium. Integer risus sem, consequat id feugiat ac, placerat tristique sem. Donec vitae felis id lorem imperdiet vestibulum bibendum in mauris. Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

  Posted by The Molitor on April 6, 2013

MISC Studios, LLC

1234 Stanford Road
Seattle, WA 98101

Email: you@misc.com
Phone: 123.456.7890
Twitter: @misc




Oops! custom menu items cannot be used as panels.

Please visit your "menus" page and remove this custom menu item from your main menu.