This subject has 3 items assigned...

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile
This area utilizes the excerpt field on the post edit screen. It’s separate from the rest of the content, so you can write a nice little intro or a brief summary of the post. Maybe even throw in a link here or there. It’s up to you.
+Mar 2014

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night
This area utilizes the excerpt field on the post edit screen. It’s separate from the rest of the content, so you can write a nice little intro or a brief summary of the post. Maybe even throw in a link here or there. It’s up to you.
+Mar 2014

Steve Marsh
Partner / @theMolitor
Having grown up in a house of two architects, Steve has design and planning in his blood.
He is involved in the overall supervision of projects currently under contract, and the marketing of the firm’s general contracting, construction management and development management services division.